
Showing posts from August, 2014

Summer Slam 2014 - review

Summer Slam 2014 - Review In my opinion this was one of the Top 10 best Summer Slam's of all time without a doubt with a chance to go down as one of the Top 5 if the aftermach to it will be good as the show itself. This was in my opinion a really good show - that for me had only 2-3 minor complaintes that didn't hurt the show for me too much. Pre-Show:  The Pre-Show pannel was decent you had as always Booker T and Alex Riley who were good as always and it is always nice to see Flair talking and supporting his guy Randy Orton even thought I am sure he knew that he was going down to Reigns. Also I loved Mummy's Boy Jack Turner {I think it was his name..} - he was nice on the mic and I think if he will be built correctly at NXT in the next year or so - he can be a good Mid Card guy on the Main Roster {but for now he will for sure be overshadowed as guys like Kevin Steen & Kenta & Prince Devitt & Sami Zayn & Adrian Neville & Corey Graves & The Asc...