WWE Hell In A Cell 2014 review - What in the Hell?!
Hell In A Cell 2014 - Review So this past Sunday was WWE's yearly annual Hell In A Cell PPV. And I have to give the WWE credit for some of the things that they have done. In the past few years - each and every single time the Hell In A Cell structure was being used in a match as a part of that PPV it really didn't need it as the feud should not have culminated {or even worse begin..} with a Hell In A Cell. Even though out of the two HIAC matches that were featured on the show we have gotten one of these type of matches this year - the second one really needed the cell - and of course I am talking about Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose. This match had it all in the lead to it: A great storyline - the best of the year in my opinion {and Daniel Bryan fans you can take him vs the authority and shove it up your @$$} , it featured two young lions hungry for a main event spot. In fact this was their first 1 on 1 match that main evented a WWE PPV. You want more statistics ...